Wednesday, December 6, 2017

IWSG: December and Links!

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Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Co-Hosts: Julie Flanders, Shannon Lawrence, Fundy Blue, and Heather Gardner!

Question: As you look back on 2017, with all its successes and failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?

I'm not sure I'd do anything differently, but I surely had counted on the outcome to be different. I'd hoped that I'd be able to reveal signing with an agent, but 2017 wasn't allowing that. In fact, I'm shelving my first book and focusing on the second that's entirely different. Some might question this decision, but I know what the agents who have been clear on why they said, "No." The comments are consistent on something not clicking early with my main character. So, I'll let it rest for a revisit later. After all, it's my choice. ;-) 

Add other things in real life and I'm taking a bit of a break from writing this month. My mother needs major heart surgery. We have a lot of hurtles to get to that goal, and I'm her main caregiver. My husband and I inherited his parents' house. While he's renovating, I'm constantly called on to help. I promise I know what I'm talking about since I was raised by a master carpenter. ;-) 

So, 2018, get your act together! I'm gunning for a new complete draft next year. If I can start rewriting before the end of the year, I'll take it. Don't disappoint me!

Next Post: 2018's first Book Pusher. You know you want to add a few to your resolutions! 


  1. Hi, Z-M. Letting a manuscript go/rest in the drawer is a hard decision. My first two are thus languishing, but I hope to return to them one day with fresh eyes and try again. Best of luck in the new year with your writing and home renovations, and your mama is in my prayers. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. It is hard, but it's the right move at this time. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. At least you've received comments back from the agents as to what might be wrong. That is a big help. Many agents don't do that. Good luck with your work-in-progress!

    1. How well I know that! I've had the uninformative ones too. Thanks!

  3. I will hold your mom in my thoughts and prayers. Kudos to you for sending in your work and also getting back responses. The closest I got were beta readers and then I self-published. I was too scared to do anything else. :)


    1. I'm going the agent route for now. Then, I might try small publishers, but I don't plan to self-pub. But how amazed I am at your bravery to do it all!

  4. Hi, I'm new to IWSG, so it's great to meet you.

    You know, if agents are specific about what's not working, that means your manuscript must be fairly close to being "good enough" for an agent to want to try and sell it. They normally don't take the time.

    So take their advice and change the manuscript. Next time you send it out, you might get an acceptance. You should especially re-query the agents who offered suggestions.

    Best wishes for 2018.

    1. That's the plan, Cathy. I'm going to work on the second one for querying the same agents later. Then, rework the first. At least for now.

  5. Good luck with working on the novel and getting it back out there.

  6. Great links, thank you ZanMarie. Ooh, I'm sure you can do it! A new story draft in 2018, that is. I can't wait to read lots more snips of the new story :-)


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