~~Just when you thought you understood how this blogging stuff works, you learn something new. It was only last month that I figured out how to change my template for a updated look. I still love it, by the way. Though I have tried on a few more for size, this one suits me for now. Then my Forum buddy, Tara, added the neatest page to her blog--My Writings. Check her out at Feel of Something New or use the blog roll on the side. I tried to think through every possible way to do it and nearly gave up. Then it hit me--just ask Tara! And it's easy. By the way, Tara's a great writer!
~~Here's how you do it--When you start a new post, check out the tab that says Edit Pages and voila there is an easy to use box to create up to ten free standing pages. As many blogs as I've seen with these nifty additions and it takes me until my seventieth post to see the tab before my eyes...You have to wonder about my powers of observation. ; )
~~Armed with Tara's helpful and clear directions, I've added four new pages to my blog in the last week. So check them out. I included:
My Books--descriptions and background about my two devotionals and a little about the two church histories
Works In Progress--about the three novels I'm actively working on--Friendly Fire, Line of Fire, and The Dawn and the Lion. The first is on the front burner, but sneaky little scenes and ideas for the other two slip in here and there. There is a devotional gestating as well, but I'm not far enough along to describe it yet.
About--Which includes a brief Bio, Awards, Events, and Articles
Photos--Which is what you think--photos of events and etc. from my journey as a writer
~~The Shade of the Cherry Tree is like a mini website all by itself now. So check the new pages out and let me know what you think. And let me thank Tara one more time. ; )