Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Book Pusher's June Mini Book Review Part 2: E. Carpenter, B. Davis, L. Grimes, IWSG, C. Ruchti,

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BURYING THE HONEYSUCKLE GIRLS Emily Carpenter: Women's Fiction/Suspense

Carpenter gives us a roller coaster of a story full of gothic suspense and deeply moving emotional growth for the main character. Excellent read.

THE SECRETS SHE CARRIED Barbara Davis: Women's Fiction

The secrets kept by Leslie Nichols family at the Peak Plantation have a way of seeking the light. Only Leslie has no clue what's coming until the truth shows up and up-ends her life. Good read.

ALL FIXED UP Linda Grimes: Urban Paranormal

(Ciel Halligan Book 4) With a bang and a giggle, Grimes continues her comic urban paranormal series. Can you imagine Ciel as an astronaut? Apparently the enemy isn't buying it. Great read.

PARALLELS: FELIX WAS HERE IWSG Anthology: Science Fiction

Ten insightful, intriguing stories--all from the minds of the member of the IWSG. Under the direction of founder Alex J. Cavanaugh, this group offers support for writers and, now, has unveiled the depth of talent within this group. There's not a story rating below a 7. If you like thoughtful SF, you'll love this book.

AS WATERS GONE BY Cynthia Ruchti: Christian Women's Fiction

The journey from despair to hope is a long one, and Ruchti's characters are rich, inviting, and forgiving. Lovely story! Told exceedingly well! Must Read.

Next Week: