Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April Links! You Know You Want Them...

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I couldn't resist sharing a few wonderful links with y'all. I hope they are something that you can use or that inspires you. ;-)

Try Amy Sue Nathan's truth: "This week, while writing, I remembered that I actually do have to WRITE to figure out a story." in "The Writing Life #2"

Or do you want to hone your skills for writing a book blurb? BookBub has your cup of tea in "How to Improve Your Description Copy to Sell more Ebooks"

Need help with deep POV? Edie Melson offers up "Conquering Six Enemies of Deep POV"

David Corbett at Writer Unboxed takes us into a deeper understanding of Conflict in "Birth vs. Battle"

Cathy Lamb deciphers the Dreaded Inner Critic in "After Each Draft, the Writer's Voice Speaks Meanly"

And finally, Susan Defreitas offers up "The Ten Worst Pieces of Writing Advice You Will Ever Hear"

I hope you found a link that made you think or grin. I want your input on the "Link Worthiness" of these. Which one was the best?
Next Week: IWSG and "Jumping Off The Cliff." ;-)