Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog Blitz! (and an Update on FRIENDLY FIRE)

DL Hammons has created one of the most intriguing and ongoing blog blitzes ever. Click on the link below the Blog Blitz badge to see the most amazing way to spread good cheer and encouragement among bloggers. Remember, we're all in this together.

Since March 11, 2013, DL and his merry band of blitzers have spread support, condolences, and shared in joys. There's no better way to tell your fellow bloggers that what they do really matters.

Join our band and help us reach 500 blog blitzers team members. You know you could use a random drive-by blitz. I know I could and I've been thrilled to do it for others. ;-)

FRIENDLY FIRE Update: I'm working back through the entire manuscript, seeking out rough places and holes. So far, I've had to do major surgery on two chapters and minor surgery on all the others. Eight down, fifty-seven to go. ;-)


  1. I'm a big fan of this hop! Always fun to stop by someone's blog to spread cheer :)

    1. I know! Beside, you get to see so many lovely blog sites and meet neat people.

  2. I love seeing people's comments pile up! It's such a great idea.

  3. Having been blitzed already, it is a unique experience. Don had no prior knowledge of what was going on with my husband or myself at the time and it was just the shot in the arm that I needed. With so many blogs being written it's hard to find all that may interest you. This system is ideal for finding them.

    1. I remember blitzing you, Jo! I already knew you and loved that you were getting a boost just when you needed it. I think DL has a winning idea. ;-)

  4. Thank you for taking the time to mention the BLITZ. It really has taken on a life of its own. :)


    1. Happy Valentines Day to you, too, DL. You've created a lovely blog blitz that is greater than all of us. Thank you for including us in this exercise in support for others.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you! The blog team is awesome. Good luck with your revisions. And that's cool your name is Zan. Xan the dragonslayer is one of my most popular characters! :)

    1. Hi, Christine! I'm glad you made it to the Shade. My name is so much fun, especially since I was named for my daddy's fifth-grade girl friend. ;-)


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