Monday, October 8, 2012


After a long drought--some of which is not my fault, but that I've made worse and more prolonged--I've found some truths to motivation that I think will help me get going again.

I’m going to try. It’s the least and the most I can do.

Something is better than nothing.

My journey is my journey. My progress is my progress.

Motivation is one of those nebulous concepts. It's something we know when we see it, but can't quite figure out how to manufacture. One truth that really hits me, is that it can't come from outside. Long lists of what must be done, or looking at others' progress and comparing what you're doing, or thinking you can recreate the wheel and skip over craft lessons can all be causes of decreased creativity. I know them all well.

At least now I have a few truths to turn to and measure the current stoppage against. I can ask, what is it this time, and with the answer, I plan to get going again without doubling down on the doubt.

What blocks you?
What helps you get started writing gain?


  1. so true that motivation has to come from inside. We have to want it, need it.

    1. My list is very individual. It states my needs for productivity. Yours would be different. And that's okay and only right. Motivation is in the eye of the beholder--just like beauty is. ; )

  2. What blocks me is not working on a project. In other words, not working breeds not working. The longer I'm away from a piece of writing, the harder it is to get back. Which is why my new mantra is: Writing something, anything is better than nothing. Because that writing leads to more writing and maybe even back to where you wanted to be in the first place. I wrote about this on my blog this morning, as you know!

    1. You and I agree on the "Someting is better than nothing" idea.

      Comparing my journey to others' journey is a writing killer for me. I'm trying to stop that. ; )

  3. I like that, something is better than nothing. I try to do the teeniest thing at least every day - even if it's just editing one paragraph - that has everything to do with writing and editing and nothing to do with research, or looking up agents, or all the other stuff that feels like I'm getting things done, but I'm really not.

    1. Ahhh, Deniz, the trick is to let the stuff really count as writing--because it really is. That's the one trick I play on myself that keeps me sane and trying. Anything that has to do with words, counts.

      I've shortened my three lines to Try Something Journey. It's working. I really shot out off the blocks yesterday with a major understanding of a repeating motif for FF.


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