Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All Sold Out!

~~Imagine my surprise this morning when Diane Quimby, the owner of Wiley's Book Exchange and a local author, called to tell me that the store had sold out of both A Christmas Walk and An Easter Walk, and people were asking for them by name. Needless to say, I quickly went to Carrollton to take more of both for the shelves. The article in the Times-Georgian is working wonders. If you haven't read it yet, HERE it is. People are buying last minute Christmas gifts and my books are finishing their lists. If you can't get to the store, you can buy my books online at my website HERE.
~~I'm walking on air as you can imagine. This is so exciting. Next time, I won't be as shocked when the store calls and says, "We need more copies, please." ; )


  1. Congratulations Zan Marie!
    (by the way, I tried to come here by clicking your profile on Jill's blog and your own blog doesn't show up on your profile page [g] - just mine and All the World's Our Page!)

  2. I'll have to see about that clicking. Unfortunately, I have two profiles...Go figure how that happened. ; ) And thanks for the congrats. They sold serveral more copies Wednesday. I have no clue yet what the Christmas season has brougt since then. ; )


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