Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September Links

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Don't sneer at genre fiction. Let James Preston share Three Tools for Reading and Watching Genre Fiction with you.

Kate Moretti explains why we have genres at all in Does Genre Dumb it Down or Make it Rain?

There are Craft Books for Pantsers--that's what they say. I'm still on the fence. ;-)

And another post about thinking it through or getting it down. Join Kristin Hoffman in Making a House a Home (and What It Taught Me About Writing)

Next Week: All about the WFWA Retreat in Albuquerque!


  1. Craft books for pantsters, huh? Have to check those out.

  2. Me too. I'd like to internalise some craft rules so that they come naturally while I write and I don't have to look up many of these books afterwards, while editing.

    1. I'd love to be able to internalize them! So far except for workshops, I can't. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  3. I still need to get Save the Cat. Maybe the Surrey booksellers will have it? Beware the booksellers...leave extra room in your luggage. You are forewarned. ;-)


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