Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Where Do You Read?

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Knee Prop in Jamaica

Where do you read? Just asking. If I have a moment, I'm reading. What about you? Do you reserve reading for special times?
Seriously. What does it take to make you stop your endless round of to-do's and read? You might know my answer already. But if you don't, here's the straight truth. 

I read anywhere, everywhere, and all the time.

Otherwise, there would be no monthly mini book reviews, no identity as The Book Pusher, and no writing, either.

Reading Circle on the deck
A writer's first job is to read. Read widely, read critically, read in genre, read all genres. Without reading, you never discover how to tell Story on the printed page. I don't remember not knowing how to read at least the sight words my mother hand wrote on index cards and drilled me with as a four-year-old. Some would say that was torture, but I thought it was a game. A glorious game that unlocked my ability to read independently. My parents read constantly. My older sister did to. I wanted admission into the club. Little did I know that I'd catch the infectious desire to create my own stories. At eight, I began with simple poems, but then graduated to stories. In the fifth grade, I wrote, staged, and acted in a one-act play in my English class. 

Poodle Prop
Now, I've learned the craft of creating stories in a variety of form. I'm addicted to words, addicted to the creation of story in order to bring others into the worlds I see inside of my mind.

 So if you ever wonder what I'm doing--don't. I'm reading. And relishing every second of the time! 

Next Week: Pitching Report


  1. I usually read at bedtime. I might grab a few pages with a cup of tea during the day if I can. I agree, writers must read and I seemed to have upped the number of books I read, ie not leaving any gaps in between ending and starting the next, which is weird considering how much actual writing I've got to get down to!

    1. Ha! Fran, I hear you! I read all the time that I'm not writing. While I eat even. Go, Readers, Go! is my cheer.

  2. I tend to save fiction for winding down after dinner. Other reading is done in bits and bites whenever I can squeeze it in.

    1. That's a good plan, too. I do read to wind down, Rose.

  3. I'm starting to think that I read too much to ever get any of my own writing done. DG is the only one I know who can juggle it all and still read over a hundred books each year. I notice that most of the authors I admire read much less than that. But how can I possibly stop reading? I read everywhere. Bathroom, train, queue, waiting room, sofa, bed...

    1. Hey, I read over a hundred a year, too...only I'm not producing as much in the way of story as Diana. ;-) I can't exist without reading. I do have specific rules for working. So far, it's working...I think... ;-)

  4. I tend to read wherever I can squeeze it in. I used to read while doing pretty much everything. Not so much anymore but once the kids don't need me so much I'll bet it comes creeping back.

    1. Oh, I think you're right! Here's to more time to read and write!

  5. I always read in bed, right before turning out the lights. I wish I had more time to spend reading, but life gets in the way sometimes!

    1. Being retired is a blessing that way. I can read, read, read. And then tempt you with good books to read. ;-)


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