Wednesday, March 2, 2016

IWSG: In the Beginning...

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Insecure Writers Support Group

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time.

Thank you, Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh for creating this fabulous blog hop!

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter hashtag is #IWSG

Thanks for all the work, y'all!

 In the beginning for me was words. They fascinated, titillated, were always around, but not fully appreciated until they connected and created Story.

Story is an old concept. We've had Story since we gained the ability to communicate with others. 
  • It's what we've told ourselves under night skies when we were scared.
  • It's what we tell others to protect our hearts from pain.
  • It's what we share when we seek to help with each salve the pain of those around us.
My story (WIP) is about a mother, shook to her core, when she comes to motherhood late in life. She's fully ingrained in thinking she's not worthy of the role she now fills and cries out in that age-old angst that all mothers know. What if I can't protect my child? What if she's ripped away from me? What would that leave now that my heart is firmly entwined with hers?

What's you story? How did it begin?  How did you come to be a storyteller? 

 Next Week: The Book Pusher is back...of course. ;-)


  1. That group sounds very supportive and your story is intriguing. You're not giving much away :)

    1. Got to make you want to read it, don't I? The IWSG *is* very supportive! Come join us!

  2. I became a writer by accident - but a love of words must have been a part of it.

    1. I truly think you have to love words to write. Nice to see you In the Shade, Patsy!

  3. We all have our story to tell. I think writing found me when I needed it's comfort and shelter from a storm. Much as you have said here, Zan Marie.
    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. I was interested to read your thoughts on the squirrel being my spirit animal.

    1. It was a just a thought, Suzanne. Who knows what truths lurk behind persistent images. Thanks for dropping by The Shade.

  4. Stories are bursting out of some of us. I was telling stories with pictures before I could tell them with words. Always. Then music. Then both. Writing is the greatest medium for storytelling.

    1. Aren't they! I have told them with lyrics and music, too, but I prefer using just words most of all. Thanks for dropping into The Shade, Crystal!

  5. I've always enjoyed writing, although didn't do much of it as an adult, until my husband suggested I write one of the stories I kept telling him about down. I did, and I've been hooked on creating my own stories ever since.

    1. All it takes doing it to get you hooked! Thanks for dropping by In The Shade!

  6. My grandmother, my parents, and many others shared stories from their lives with me, and then I loved reading time at school, and I started making up my own stories fairly early . . . so writing or at least storytelling has been in my DNA for a while.

    1. You're like me. Everyone about me read and told stories. It makes you want to tell stories, too.

  7. I started writing stories when I was four. I don't know exactly where it came from, or why I felt the need but I'm not giving up.

    1. You better not! I want to read more of your stories!

  8. Thanks for dropping by earlier today! I was a little late with getting my IWSG post up! I've been writing for as long as I can remember... since I was six years old! It's always been my passion :)

    1. The more I gather everyone's story start, the more I believe that we are born with the need to create story.

  9. I started writing stories between third and fourth grade. They were adventure fairy tales about twin princesses. But before I was writing, I was reading anything I can get my hands on. Reading ignited my yearning to write.

    1. I think you're right. Reading is key to writing. I love to know how everyone got started.

  10. I grew up in an outport with one unexceptional tv channel. Story was all we book form and orally. Boy, the elders could tell a tale. Great teaser on your story!

    1. Thanks, Rose! I'm glad to know you like it.


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