Wednesday, November 4, 2015

IWSG: Fugitive Words

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Insecure Writers Support Group

 The Insecure Writers Support Group is a blog hop that emphasizes collective support and sharing the trials and victories of writing. Our fearless leader is Alex J. Cavanaugh

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time.
This month's co-hosts are: Tyrean Martinson, Karen Walker, Denise Covey, and Stephen Tremp.

Pad or Recorder...That is the Question
 If writers aren't diligent, the brilliant words what surface from our back brains will run away to that limitless and lost area known as: I Had A Great Idea, But I Forgot It! All of us know this dread event and sad occurrence. 

But there's hope! Install these simple measures into your life and no longer fear the dreaded feeling of loss. Never forget the brilliant turn of phrase that defines your story's theme. Or the scene you've been hunting when it reveals itself. Be sure to have note pads everywhere ideas have been found in the past.
  • On the bedside table for those ideas that surface in the wee hours
  • In each and every vehicle you own for those rides that shake a few golden motes to the surface
  • If your bag is big enough, put one there, too
  • And last, but not least, in the bathroom for those revelations that comes from a "well-watered brain" that come when you shower.
But wait, there's more. What if you're driving? Or you can write at the moment due to a hand injury? Well, that's an "app" for that! Try a digital recorder.

So, intrepid writer, what's you favorite method for corralling those Fugitive words before they get away?

My next post is Tuesday, Nov. 17 when I will line up another bumper crop of Mini Book Reviews!


  1. Aha! Someone else who gets ideas in the shower (apparently you can get waterproof scribble pads, but I haven't gone to that extreme). I have notebooks everywhere - also useful for distracting kids with too, although I often find that the act of writing it down is enough to stick it in my memory - I rarely refer back to them afterwards.

    1. I knew I wasn't alone! Welcome to the Shade, fellow scribbler. ;-)

  2. I always have to have a pen on me -- there's usually a receipt or something, or even the back of my hand, if I'm desperate. It's a horrible feeling to think of a few lines, not write them down, come to write them later on and realise that no matter how hard you try, they will never sound as good as when you first thought of them. This happened to me this morning......

    1. That's why I prescribe writing it down, Deniz. I'll forget it all, not just the swell wording. Sigh. Such a sieve, my mind is.

  3. Zan Marie,

    I used to see scenes all of the time on my 35 minute commute to work. I was driving through Ouendat country, so it was no surprise that it provided daily inspiration. But, when I'd get to work, real life swept away all images. Apparently, I complained enough about it because I came home to a little gift bag one day. DH had bought me a digital recorder. It worked beautifully to capture those little gems. Now, I often "see" things while I'm exercising. The digital recorder is still my go-to because it takes less time than writing and interferes less with exercising.

    1. Oh, that's wonderful, Rose. I plan to try one myself.

  4. Yes, there is always an app for that! Or use Siri. She's good at remembering.


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