Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Writer's Block: Scientific Proof

We've all had a bout of Writer's Block--that dangerous time when no words come to mind and the page remains blank. Some prolific writers like Diana Gabaldon claim that there is no such thing. Her method for avoiding the problem is to have multiple projects open at all times. When one slows down, she just switches to the other and keeps on writing.

While I'll admit to having multiple projects--a devotional and 5 novels at last count--I do find that some days none of them seem to be open for business in my front brain. I do write down any idea that comes out of my back brain into the light of day no matter which project it belongs to, but still some days, the door between to two parts of my brain is closed, locked up tight. No amount of effort allows me to find the key.

Now there's scientific proof that Writer's Block exists in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Check out the following article:
"The Unsuccessful Self-Treatment of a Case of  'Writer's Block' "
If you've every struggled with writer's block, you owe it to yourself to read this article.

Enjoy! ; )

ETA: For more fun with Writer's Block, try this A Word A Day entry. ; )


  1. Sometimes our mind just shuts down and we can't get into our character's heads enough to write. Even Diana has said sometimes she has to meditate or sit with a candle before she can write.

    1. Yes, and that's a great relief to know for those of us who hint a blank wall sometimes. ; )

  2. I never have writer's block. The secret is having many different projects so that there is always one shouting out at me :)

    1. Good for you, Sylvia! Even with as many projects as I have, I still hit the wall sometimes.

  3. Such a fun link!
    My worst writer's block was the two years where I had no stories no poems no ideas to characters no voices no questions to explore. I was so afraid I'd lost it for good. I don't want that to happen ever again!

    1. Deniz, at the rate you're spinning out new ideas lately, you'll never have that problem again.

  4. The link was hysterical. I have to admit, it took me a second or so to get it.

    I do believe that writer's block exists because I've coached so many people who have it. The cure for it is simple and difficult at the same time: write. Sort of a chicken and egg thing!

    1. Yes, Charlotte, the cure is simple--just write, write anything--but we want it to be more profound than that, don't we?

      And I knew you'd love the link. It's hiliarious!

  5. I think the trick is to not beat yourself up when you're in a rough spot. Bad enough when the words aren't flowing--to stress about it just makes things worse.

    Easier said than done, of course... [g]

    1. You said it, Lara! Much easier said than done. I'm the queen of beating myself up. ; )


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