Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Fear Finalist!

No Fear Blogfest
Writes of Passage

~~Really! I'm not kidding. Go to Dominic de Matteo's blog--Writes of Passage--for the announcement. I'm one of the six finalists in the "No Fear Blogfest." My entry is the first half of the climax of FRIENDLY FIRE. You can read it HERE.

~~The voting on the finalists is open to all at Dominic's blog. Be sure to check it out and read all the entries. There were some amazing stories among the finalists. And you can vote. ; ) The deadline for voting is Saturday Feburary 6 at midnight GMT.


  1. Good luck Zan Marie! I loved your story! REALLY loved it... :)


  2. Thanks, Mysti. If you go over to the CompuServe Books and Writers Forum, you can find all sorts of snips from that story--mostly in the Writers Excercises folder.

    BTW, I highly reccommend the Forum for all writers, want to be writers, and fans of Diana Gabaldon. If you don't know Diana's work--get a copy of OUTLANDER. NOW! ; )

  3. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm looking to read, read, read this year. Which is what I should be doing now ;)


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