Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Welcome to the Shade!

~What a red-letter day! My darling husband, John, retired after twenty-five years of teaching and I couldn’t be more thrilled. We are excited about another anticipated event—new puppies arrive at our home on June 8. Do you know what has to be done to “puppy proof” a house? Or how many cute puppy toys there are? Hundreds—and we have looked at every single one! At least twice. ; )

~These are only two of the wonderful things that can give us comfort, joy, and solace. Like fresh ripe cherries and rich chocolate fudge, butterflies and hummingbirds, colorful flowers and deep shade on a hot, humid summer day. That’s what In the Shade of the Cherry Tree is all about—the small and delightful things that cushion the hurts and heal the wounds of everyday life. So welcome to the shade! I hope to share some of the loveliness and delights that come my way.


  1. Whoo-hoo! Welcome to the world of blogs, and congrats to John on his retirement!

    Will look forward to reading your blogs, ZM!


  2. A blogging we will go!
    A blogging we will go!
    In the shade of cherry trees,
    A blogging we will go!

    Congrats, Zan Marie! This is going to be an awesome blog, I just know it. With your positive attitude and writing skills, I can't wait to read more...

    And a big shout out to John!


  3. Diana and Mary,
    Thanks for the welcome to blog-land. Now to get it all full of fun stuff. ; )

  4. I hope you have fun with this. Congrats to Uncle John. My mother's computer is down so she won't be responding anytime soon. She isn't ignoring you.

  5. Thanks, Lee. I'm really enjoying it and your Uncle John is gearing up for the puppies on Monday. Tell Thea, I can wait--patiently. Do you believe that?! ; )


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