Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sorry About That...

I had planned to do more author interviews, but real life and my writing have gotten in the way. I plan to get back to them later. Meanwhile, I'll try to put together another list of mini-reviews soon.

It's also been limiting my visits to other blogs. I miss reading all of your lovely posts. :-(

There are a lot of meaningful goings on in my writing life at the moment. Among them are:
  • New critique group--In late September I took part in one of WFWA's workshops. This one was all about Critique Groups. The express purpose of the workshop was to get us all on the same page when it came to critiquing and assigning us to groups. Now I get the excitement of reading three new friends' work. Check out Kristena Tunstall, Jeannine Everett, and Jess Ferguson's blogs.

  • Editing of FRIENDLY FIRE--And as always, I'm working on getting a complete manuscript together for my WIP FRIENDLY FIRE. Currently, I'm working on a huge hole in Part 2. Send good vibes my way, why don't you?
So, if you've got some spare time to lend me, I'll jump on it. ;-)


  1. As if the holidays weren't enough...you've got a plate full and are forgiven. :o)

  2. Editing is a great reason to be away from here! I'm looking forward to NaNo, which is a free month of drafting, but then... I really really have to get down to some serious editing on the already-finished novels...

    1. You do have to edit and get some of those stories out, Deniz. They are so good!

  3. Is that your cat? I love it. Good luck with your editing. I'm going to look into the Women's Fiction Association a little more now that they're up and running.

    1. No, J, that's not my cat...only a rights free lovely from Google. ;-)
      Thanks for the well wishes. WFWA is awesome. I love my crit group already.

  4. Writing is always good! Real life could go either way. Hope life is on the good side of busy.

    1. S.P., it's more on the real side of crazy as always. ;-)

  5. Sounds like you're getting a lot done, which is a good thing! Congrats on your new critique group and your editing progress! We'll be here when you get done :)

    1. Thanks, Lara. I plan of my usual weekly post, but I can't promise I'll read many other blogs at the moment.

  6. Love that you're making so much progress on your writing! I've not had a lot of time for blog visits, either, so I'm happy to hear I'm not the only one!

    1. I guess busy writers have to juggle and sometimes we have to drop something. ;-)


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