Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Very Special Day

Since September has a fifth Tuesday, I thought I'd swap the topics and give you a very personal post today. Thirty-seven years ago on September 4, 1977, I married the perfect man. Yes, I know, perfection is in the eye of the beholder, but I promise you that John is the perfect man for me. He's loving, caring, sacrificing, loyal, and always supportive. I owe my entire writing life to him and his support. 

So, I thought I'd share a few pictures from our happy day. We met at what was then West Georgia College, now know as the University of West Georgia in a political science class titled Foreign Relations. Since we're from two different towns in this area, we were blessed to share this class. By the way, the first day of class was on my twentieth birthday. Now that's a gift that keeps on giving. ;-)

May you all find the happiness we've shared. 

I love you!
The entire wedding party on the steps of Kennedy Chapel
Oh, how young we were! And we'd do it all over again.

Yes, it's the perfect setting for a small wedding

Next Week: A Writing Tip ;-)


  1. Happy anniversary! I wish you many more happy years!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I told him the other day that we could do 37 more. We'd just be 96 if we get there. Can't you see the newspaper articles? How did you stay together so long? LOL!

  2. I've been waaaay behind on reading blogs, but what a nice one to come back to. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Hope you stick around. There'll be a new post tomorrow!

    2. Just catching up. Love the pics. Congratulations on finding each other and recognizing the value in such a find.

    3. Thanks, Rose! It was a treasure if you ask me!


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